Daily Farm Report

CO_LS146 Columbia, SC Friday, January 24, 2024 USDA-SC Dept Ag Market News SC Farm Report on Friday Compared to last week no comparisons on feeder steers, feeder heifers and feeder bulls 5.00 higher, slaughter cows 9.00 higher, slaughter bulls 7.00 higher all based on limited comparable sales due to extremely cold temperatures and inclement weather in the state. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1 400-500 lbs 323.00-375.00; 500-600 lbs 305.00-320.00. Feeder Bulls: Medium and Large 1 400-500 lbs 342.50 -400.00; 500-600 lbs 260.00-320.00. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 400-500 lbs 275.50-362.50; 500-600 lbs 270.00-315.00. Slaughter Cows: Breakers 75-80% lean 133.00-148.00; Boners 80-85% lean 125.00-151.00; High Dressing 145.00-162.00; Lean 85-90% lean 110.00-144.00; Lean low dressing 65.00-117.00. Slaughter Bulls: Average dressing 1140-1905 lbs 140.00-174.00; High Dressing 1875-2145 lbs 164.00-170.00; Low Dressing 790-1160 lbs 107.00-135.00. Goats: [63] Last Week: 93 Reported Monday to Wednesday. Slaughter and replacement classes sold on a per head basis and weights are estimated. Kids: Sel 1 20-40 lbs 45.00-107.50, 40-60 lbs 75.00-100.00; Sel 2 20-40 lbs 30.00-35.00. Does/Nannies: Sel 1 50-70 lbs 130.00-185.00, 70-100 lbs 110.00-180.00, 100-140 lbs 120.00-130.00; Sel 2 70-100 lbs none reported, 100-140 lbs 125.00. Bucks/Billies: Sel 1 70-100 lbs 120.00-210.00, 100-150 lbs none reported, 150-250 lbs 260.00; Sel 2 70- 100 lbs none reported, 100-150 lbs 140.00-175.00. Wethers: Slaughter Sel 1-2 70-100 lbs none reported, 100-150 lbs none reported. SC Grain on Friday. Corn bids were 3 to 4 cents lower; elevator bids 4.91-5.56, processor bids 5.61-5.66. Soybean bids were 9 to 10 cents lower; elevator bids 10.25-10.55, processor bid 10.81 and exports at 10.86. Wheat bids were 4 to 10 cents lower; elevator bids 4.84. Cotton on Friday. Southeast base price for 41-4/34 grade was 0.14 higher at 66.11. Fruits & Vegetables: Prices paid to SC growers at the Columbia State Farmers Market on Friday. Beets 25 lb filmbags Red type topped 18.00, dz bnchs Red type 30.00; Greens dz bnchs Collards/Mustard 25.00, Turnips w/root 30.00, 1.35 buctns bnchd Kale 24s 15.00, 1 1/9 buctns loose Turnip Tops/Mustard 15.00, Creasy Type 16.00; Onions, Green crts bnchd 24s 15.00-16.00; Rutabagas dz bnchs 25.00; Sweet Potatoes 40 lb ctns Red type US #1 22.00-25.00, Medium/Jumbo 16.00, Purple type US#1 40.00-45.00, Purple type Jumbo 28.00, Japanese type US #1 35.00-40.00, White type #1 40.00, White type Jumbo 28.00, 25 lb ctns Orange type 12.00, Purple type 25.00. OUT OF STATE PRODUCE: Apples buctns Red/Gala/Gold/Fuji 25.00, Rome 25.00, Granny Smith/Mutsu 25.00, Stayman/Cortland/Splendour/Pink Lady 25.00, Arkansas Black/King Lush/Candycrisp/Crimsoncrisp 25.00; Bananas 40 lb ctns #1 23.00-25.00, #2 21.00; Beans bucrts Snap type 25.00-28.00; Cabbage 50 lb ctns Green Medium 20.00-21.00; Chayote 35 lb ctns MX 22.00, 35 lb RPC Spiny Type MX 35.00; Corn, Sweet 4 dz crts White/Bi- Color/Yellow 25.00; Cucumbers 1 1/9 buctns Long Green Small MX 20.00, 40 lb RPC Pickles Medium-Small Mexico 40.00; Grapes 18 lb ctns bgd Holiday Seedless 40.00; Mangoes 1 layer flats Tommy 8s/9s 12.00-14.00; Onions, Dry 50 lb sks Yellow Jumbo/Col 21.00-26.00, Boilers 25.00, White Jumbo 27.00-32.00, Peru Sweet Jumbo/Col #2 17.00, 25 lb sks Red Jumbo 23.00- 25.00, Red Medium 24.00, 16 3-lb sks Yellow Repacker Sz 19.00-28.00, 40 lb ctns Peru Sweet Jumbo 30.00-34.00; Peanuts, Dry 50 lb sks Valencia Dry NM 78.00, 20 2-lb sks Valencia Dry NM 78.00; Pecans 50 lb sks Pawnee GA New 180.00, Desirables GA New 160.00-170.00, Stuarts GA New 175.00- 180.00, 1 lb cntrs Shelled 10.00, 2 lb film bag Shelled New Crop 23.00, 5 lb film bag Shelled 45.00, 30 lb ctns Shelled 240.00, 25 lb film bag Shelled New Crop 250.00; Peppers, Bell Green 1 1/9 buctns Green MX Med 30.00, Red MX Choice 35.00; Pineapple ctns 1 layer Golden Ripe 5-7ct 16.00-19.00; Potatoes 50 lb ctns Red size A WA US 1 44.00, Red size B WA US 1 46.00, Creamers WA US 1 60.00, White Size A WA US 1 50.00, White Size B WA US 1 35.00, Creamers WA US 1 60.00, 50 lb sks Red Size A CD 25.00; Radishes 40 lb film bags Red topped 38.00-40.00; Rutabagas 50 lb ctns Waxed CD 25.00-32.00; Squash 1/2 buctns Straightneck Small-Medium 25.00, Medium-Large 15.00, Zucchini Small 18.00, Zucchini Medium 14.00; Sweet Potatoes 40 lb ctns Orange type US Number 1 NC 22.00-26.00, US Number 2 NC 15.00-22.00, Jumbo NC 16.00-18.00, US Number 2 MS 16.00, Jumbo MS 20.00; Tomatoes 25 lb ctns loose Vine Ripe Light Red-Red XLge/Jbo 18.00-21.00, 6x6sz/5x6sz 15.00-21.00, Red all sizes 10.00-15.00, Green 5x6 sz 18.00-30.00, Yellow 5x6 sz 45.00; Tomatoes, Cherry 12 1-pint flts Red Type 15.00 Tomatoes, Plum 25 lb ctns Roma Extra Large 15.00- 26.00; Turnips 25 lb filmbags Topped 16.00-20.00. CITRUS: Grapefruit 4/5 buctns Red type FL 40s 30.00-35.00; Mandarins 12 3-lb flmbgs CA 10.00; Oranges 7/10 buctns Navel CA 56s/72s/113s 36.00, 4/5 buctns Navel FL all sizes 35.00-38.00, Red Navel FL 64s 36.00-38.00; Pummelos 40 lb ctns FL 32.00; Satsuma 4/5 buctns GA 60s 25.00; Tangerines 10 kg ctns Murcott PE 60s/28s 38.00, 25 lb ctns FL 30.00. For detailed reports go to https://mymarketnews.ams.usda.gov or www.agriculture.sc.gov or phone USDA-SCDA Market News at 803-737-4491 or 4497. Source: South Carolina Dept of Ag-USDA Market News, Columbia, SC 803- 737-4491. http://www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/CO_LS146.txt 15:20 cg/sr